Monthly Archives: October 2010

October 8, 2010–French Quarter, New Orleans

I have arrived! My long sought goal achieved! I lack for words to describe the satisfaction and joy.  Very eager and excited all day, I pushed on without pause, eating my lunch aboard the kayak so as not to lose … Continue reading

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October 7, 2010–Mile 130

The river was teeming with traffic today—an unending stream of barges, ocean tankers, harbor tugs, and various boats.  Huge clusters of empty barges line the river in most areas.  Large towering cranes empty load after load of mysterious white powdery … Continue reading

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October 6, 2010–Mile 180

Despite last night’s activities, I rose early and managed to have breakfast and fill my water vessels at a reasonable hour.  The channel after Baton Rouge becomes significantly deeper, which allows large ocean-going vessels to navigate up the river, and … Continue reading

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October 5, 2010–Baton Rouge, LA

Enjoyed a warm and peaceful night’s sleep last night, courtesy of a half-buried rusty cargo container in the sands of the beach on which I was encamped.  It was a long riveted cylinder, laid on its side and buried so … Continue reading

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October 4, 2010–Mile 293

Awoke much refreshed and invigorated at 6 am and was on the water by 6:45.  Yesterday was exceedingly blustery and would have been most unpleasant on the river.  Thankfully, today was quite calm.  Again, very chilly in the morning and … Continue reading

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October 3, 2010–Natchez, MS

I awoke today feeling fatigued and very unwell.  As I have very comfortable accommodations and my boat is safe and secure at the waterfront, I will remain in Natchez for another night and get as much rest as possible, in … Continue reading

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October 2, 2010–Natchez, MS

Enjoyed one of the best night’s sleep of this journey—that is, one with the fewest number of awakenings.  Again, in the mid 40s during the night, and I found myself shivering a bit as I broke camp.  With but 20 … Continue reading

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October 1, 2010–St. Joseph, LA

I find the activities on the river my first day back from a day in town to always bear a greater burden on my body and psyche than usual, and today was no exception.  My paddle drive seems to be … Continue reading

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