August 30, 2010

Flood conditions and the resulting harbor closure persisted into early August.  About that time I was contracted for employment on a two-week film shoot.  I am much contented with my time at home, and my coffers partially restored.  Tomorrow I will return to St.  Louis to resume the journey.  I am expecting the worst of conditions for my boat and my gear, as I was prepared only for a two to three-week hiatus.  I have been assured by the agents of the company with which my possessions remain, that all is in order and nothing is missing.  Yet I am quite certain the dark moist interiors of the bulkheads will be thoroughly overrun by mildew or worse.  I am very eager to resume this adventure; the past two months, while initially dispiriting, are now a mere moment of distraction from my true purpose: to arrive in New Orleans!

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