My time in St. Paul was most agreeable. Availed myself of the amenities of where I am lodged: shower, laundry, etc. Slept on the floor in the corner of an apartment inhabited by two musicians and songwriters, and was treated to a small performance of original material which I found most pleasing. Sampled the fare at Mickey’s Diner, an iconic eatery some 70 years old. Also explored the historic Fort Snelling, the northernmost and most remote outpost on the American frontier, built at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers on land purchased from the Dakota by Zebulon Pike. Walked along the river from there to Minnehaha Falls. I was thoroughly successful in the repair of my mirage drive, and also acquired some additional spare parts should further repairs be needed. I am eager to see how the craft performs, now that she is restored to her original form. Very well fed and rested, re-supplied and ready to make way upon the morning.
Here are some photos of St Paul and Fort Snelling.
2 Responses to May 31 to June 1, 2010–St. Paul, MN