Weather generally fair today. It became quite hot in the afternoon and any exposed skin is now red. Faced down numerous 20-30 mph gusts along the way, which often sent down cascades of whirling maple seeds. During moments of calm I was treated to a different aerial display—that of prodigious swarms of dragonflies overhead. If these creatures consume mosquitoes then I am more than happy to travel with them.
- Pretty Quiet
- Lilacs
- Kelly’s Kitchen
- Palisade Church
- Palisade Town Hall
The mosquitoes were exceedingly troublesome last night and even worse this morning, compelling me to forego my breakfast in favor of a speedy entry into the water. Was made to break camp covered head to toe, including a net for my face, which despite the heat allowed me some respite from their advances. Have yet to devise a solution to the noseeums, which leave my feet and ankles in a continual state of red bumpy discomfort. When possible, I hope to obtain some light cotton socks that may deter them.
Day 10: 36 miles