The day began excessively muggy, not a breath of wind, with dense white haze obscuring all. As I approached Lock 14, I radioed to make contact and was informed that only the alternate lock was available for my use. Thus I was required to paddle upstream into the wind for about a mile to enter the alternate channel, the exertion and humidity rendering my garments soaked in a mere 20 minutes.
- Davenport IA
- Grey Day
- Lock and Dam 14
As I continued on to Davenport and Lock 15, the skies grew as grey as could be and soon I found myself in a deluge, with large waves and wind being driven directly in my face. The forces exerted by these waves proved too much for the remaining fin of my drive, and it sheared off. This left me with my paddle as a last resort. By now the conditions were so atrocious that I could see scarcely 20 feet ahead. Lightning and tremendous thunder was overhead and I began to question the prudence of being out on the water. I struggled over to the shore and found a marina, where I arranged for the storage of my craft until the replacement parts arrive. It looks as if I’ll be spending several days in the Davenport area. I will return to my camp from last night and await the arrival of my parts.
Day 30: 10 Mi., 1 Lock.